development of an antibacterial portable toilet is a prime example of this Another of our innovations relates to the use of recycled maritime waste such as old fishing nets in the production of portable toilets And last but not least the success of our business model is very much due to our many employees We are an agile company committed to being available to our customers 24 7 and that cannot be achieved without a highly motivated workforce This can do attitude defines our corporate culture and is reflected in the successful achievement of our sustainability goals We are committed to being an open and sym pathetic employer who is dynamic and always offer ing development opportunities for our employees Fair and generous remuneration therefore go hand in hand with training and professional development programs along with continuous improvements in working methods equipment and safety This report aims to provide the first comprehensive overview of the organization successes and challeng es of our sustainability management system We hope its contents clearly communicate just how excited we are about pursuing this task and we look forward to your feedback and to opportunities for active dialogue and exchange with you Yours faithfully Max Teichner Management team Max Teichner Chief Executive Officer Frank Feuerstacke Chief Operating Officer Torsten Jagdt Chief Financial Officer Dr Holger Wirtz Chief Technology Officer Dr Holger Wirtz Frank Feuerstacke Torsten Jagdt Max Teichner left to right 4 SUSTAINABILITY SHORT REPORT 2022 TOI TOI DIXI GROUP

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